super hero fists assembled

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.” -Steuart Henderson Britt

Google search “The economy is doing well” to see recent articles from the Atlantic, NY Times, and CNBC about just how well the economy is doing. Based on conversations with the consumer-driven business owners and professionals we speak with daily, they’re witnessing relentless price increases, supply chain disruptions, and the effects of their own customers’ weakening buying power. Which is to say, they’d find another word other than “well” to describe how the economy is doing.

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Personal Consumption Expenditures Index is defined as follows: The PCE price index … reflects changes in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers in the United States.

Compared to their corresponding month the previous year, Nov 21, Dec 21, Jan 22, Feb 22, and March 22 and seen a PCE increase of 5.6%, 5.8%, 6.0%, 6.3%, and 6.6%, respectively. (Source:

So, how can we help your business? Because we believe in the feedback we receive from our own customers, we have confidence in your future business. Which means we are making it MORE affordable for you to get off the ground with our revenue-generating products. Our offer: With your purchase of biodegradable plastic postcards, the NVIO™ Acclaim, or the standard die cut plastic postcard AcclaimMailer™, you can get 500 FREE PREMIUM GIFT CARDS or 1,000 LOYALTY KEY TAGS. To understand how these products work together to build YOUR own customer base, watch our video, read testimonials from real customers, and learn how the Super Acclaim can increase revenue and brand recognition.

Who’s having success with these products? Restaurants, men’s stores, roofers, dealerships, cinemas, dentists, supermarkets, specialty stores, hardware stores, home improvement, and more tell us our die cut plastic postcard, the AcclaimMailer™, has been the best dollar for dollar ROI of any advertising or marketing they’ve done.

The best targeted B2B marketing is just a click away.