7,500 AcclaimMailer™ plastic postcards is greater than 10,000 Paper Postcards

Mailbox with Acclaim plastic postcard mailers

“But I can get so many more paper postcards for the same cost.”
Yes, you can. And you will still get less redemptions.

In cost, a budget for 7,500 AcclaimMailers will equal 10,000 paper postcards. In practice, the 7,500 AcclaimMailers will outperform the 10,000 paper postcards* every time, despite the disadvantage in quantity.

What’s important to remember is this is not an investment in direct mail, postcards, mailers, commercials, ad services, billboards, etc. This is an investment in conversions. Dollar for Dollar, the AcclaimMailer™ die cut plastic postcard consistently outperforms the competition, especially traditional direct mail and paper postcards.

The national average redemption rate for direct mail and paper postcards is 1%. An outstanding result, by definition, would be 2%.

There are really 3 variables in a mail campaign which are the physical piece, the mailing list, and the offer(s). For a paper postcard to be outstanding, the mailing list and/or the offer must also be outstanding. What happens when that exact same list and offer is put to best use with the AcclaimMailer™? Those results will also be outstanding. 5%? 10%? 20%? More? We have a 5 years and running case study that *averages* 28.98% redemptions. Its worst year, 2020, still had over 15% redemptions.

Yet despite the quantity disadvantage, just 3% is all these powerful die cut plastic postcards needs to surpass the paper postcards’ results.

Example 1
7,500 Acclaims vs 10,000 Paper Postcards
Paper 1-2%: 100-200 Redemptions
Acclaim 3%: 225 Redemptions

Example 2
75K Acclaims vs 100K Paper Postcards
Paper 1-2%: 1,000 – 2,0000 Redemptions
Acclaim 3%: 2,250 Redemptions

Outstanding Results for Paper Postcards = 2%
Outstanding Results for AcclaimMailer = >3%
The AcclaimMailer™ die cut plastic postcard, dollar for dollar, gets the most conversions and redemptions.

*SSI Cards can manufacture paper cards upon request.